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 “One’s sense of self is marked by a place in the “here and there” and by the time in the “now and then.”



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The World is a project that based on a webpage with links with which people could interact and relates to my personal life experience. All of the images in the ‘world’ was appropriate from internet, specifically old Chinese photos and postcards  from the1980’s and 1990’s. The whole scene was inspired by Chinese traditional aesthetic and composition, referring back to long-scroll painting. Another part of the work is the links. The markers on the specific places in the scene brings back my own personal memories. Every marker has a different link that includes a video, an image, or a website. 


The fragmented images act a collective consciousness in time that comes together to create an emotion-scape of fleeting memories.  I try to express the notion of “identical experience,”making the personal impersonal, by creating work that is about sense of self. Therefore, the collage landscape aim to build a 'world' that evokes the memories of the viewer to feel their own individual memory-travels as they find something familiar within the work.




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